Thursday, September 29, 2011

RT - Max Keiser / Alessio Rastani / Financial Terrorism

Max Keiser /Alessio Rastani analysis / Goldman Sachs Explained

RT / Rastani Report

Linh Dinh Wall Street 'enemy' of US economy.

Full Rastani Interview on BBC News

Alessio Rastani on the BBC World Service radio (20 min)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Money Masters (sub esp)

Federal Reserve History pt 1

Federal Reserve History pt 2

Historia de la creación del banco central estadounidense. Este documental relata como fue la lucha por el control de la emisión de la moneda norteamericana, que finalmente dio lugar al establecimiento en 1913 del Federal Reserve Bank (FED), banco privado (en apariencia gubernamental) que monopoliza la emisión del dolar y las reglas monetarias de ese país, y que actualmente tiene dominio del circuito financiero mundial. Revela la trama oculta que dio lugar a independencias, guerras, ciclos económicos y control político. El enfoque crítico y bien fundamentado permite comprender la crisis actual del capitalismo y la monstruosa deuda que encadena Estados, empresas y particulares en el presente. Material esencial para aquellos que creemos que un cambio del sistema social, económico, político e ideológico ES POSIBLE. Más info en: http://www.themoneymasters.comNarrador: Bill Still Directores: B. Still, Patrick Carmack USA-EUA-EE.UU. Año: 1996 Audio: Inglés. Subtítulos en español

Higher Quality video at : Archive.Org

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Trap by Adam Curtis

The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom ?

PT. 1 - F**k You Buddy

What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom is a BBC documentary series by English filmmaker Adam Curtis, well known for other documentaries including The Century of the Self and The Power of Nightmares. It began airing in the United Kingdom on BBC Two on 11 March 2007.

The series consists of three one-hour programmes which explore the concept and definition of freedom, specifically, "how a simplistic model of human beings as self-seeking, almost robotic, creatures led to today's idea of freedom.

Higher Quality video at : Archive.Org

Sub ESP en Youtube >>>>

Monday, September 19, 2011

Nazi International: Project Camelot interviews Joseph Farrell

Nazi International:

The title of this interview, Nazi International, refers to Joseph Farrell's most recent book, in which he details - as do Camelot witnesses Jim Marrs and Peter Levenda, and many other researchers (including Jim Keith, who died in unusual circumstances and to whom we pay tribute here) - how the Nazis were experimenting with technology extremely advanced for their time, and how many Nazi scientists, evaluated as being valuable resources for post-war America, were repatriated to the US under Project Paperclip.

We first heard of Joseph Farrell from Richard Hoagland - and soon after from Nick Cook, the author of The Hunt for Zero Point. Farrell, like Peter Levenda, is essentially an academic: a document researcher who digs deep into historical detail and has become fascinated, as many others have, with the hidden history of the Third Reich. He has continued Igor Witkowski's and Nick Cook's research into the enigmatic Nazi Bell: an experimental device, classified at the highest level, that seems to have been used to investigate time distortion effects or antigravity - very possibly both - based on the beginnings of theoretical torsion physics that was being developed in the 1920s and 1930s by a number of brilliant European scientists, themselves very much ahead of their time.

In this interview, Bill Ryan takes the lead and talks with Joseph Farrell in some depth about his work. The interview takes the viewer on a journey which starts before the Second World War, and explores just what German scientists may have been doing in great secret, with the full support of the SS. And, as the title of the video indicates, the story by no means ends there. This video may be of considerable interest to students of wartime advanced technology, and of the hidden history of the Third Reich.

JF: So in other words, what I’m telling you is, the Allies and the Soviet Union get the jets, the rockets, the infrared sights, the computers, the semi-conductor chips, you know, all of this stuff. But the project that was classified war decisive the Nazi’s keep to themselves.

In my research I think that, definitely, a case can be made that the post war fusion project that was taking place in Juan Peron’s Argentina, is really nothing more than a continuation of certain aspects of this Bell project.

In other words, with all of those Nazis located in Argentina, including - as I make a case in my books - Martin Bormann himself. You have the boss, in other words, right there in the area where this secret Argentine project is being conducted.

So, in other words, Peron is not really the one that is in control of this. It’s Bormann. He’s the financier, okay? So you have the Bell not going to the West, not going to the Soviet Union, you have it going to Argentina. Now, you mentioned Kammler...


Well, Manning wrote a book. This was after Ladislas Farago had come out with his book about Martin Bormann, the Fourth Reich and all that stuff. Well Manning, I think, in a certain sense, was kind of miffed at the way they had treated a fellow journalist, and he wrote a book called Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile. And he basically verified that the documents that Farago had used in his book were real. They were legit, okay?

Well he found something else. [laughs] He found that Martin Bormann - I think around 1967 - had cashed a check [laughs] at Manufacturers Hanover and Chase Manhattan Bank. It was cleared through Deutsche Bank in Buenos Aires in Argentina, and the check had been cashed over his own signature. [laughs]

BR: Incredible. [Farrell laughs] Amazing.

complete written interview here

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Adam Curtis' Century of the Self

It Takes a Nation of Billions - Adam Curtis' The Century Of The Self.

The story of Edward Bernays , the nephew of Freud who adapted his uncle’s theories concerning animalistic drives and deeply-sunken baser motives for the purposes of propaganda and, far more pervasively, advertising and politics.
Complete Work (4 films) DLD at Archive.Org

Sub ESP en YouTube >>>>

Max Keiser on Gold Lobbying + "Confidence Game" Nick Verbitsky Interview

Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert, discuss psy-ops in the gold market, Tony Blair’s con job in Libya and Jamie Dimon’s “patriotic” bailout in America.
Nick Verbitsky, director of “Confidence Game,” a film that explores the last week in the life of investment bank Bear Stearns.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Entrevista a David Corso

Operaciones militares secretas, ataques psiquicos, memorias borradas, habilidades extrasensoriales, servicios secretos and all that jazz. Otra exploración en el extraño mundo del mk-ultra. Como en un cuento de Philip K Dick o una novela de Pynchon solo que real (o al menos eso aseguran los reporteados). Saquen sus conclusiones....

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Phil Donahue on Iraq vs. Bill O'Reilly // IRAQ BODYCOUNT

Phil Donahue, Bill O'Reilly , and the Actual figures of the conflict:

... other figures ?

Casualties of the conflict in Iraq since 2003 (beginning with the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and continuing with the ensuing occupation of Iraq coalition presence, as well as the activities of the various armed groups operating in the country) have come in many forms, and the accuracy of the information available on different types of Iraq War casualties varies greatly.

The table below summarizes some of the Iraqi casualty figures.

SourceIraqi casualtiesTime period
Iraq Family Health Survey151,000 deathsMarch 2003 to June 2006
Lancet survey601,027 violent deaths out of 654,965 excess deathsMarch 2003 to June 2006
Opinion Research Business survey1,033,000 deaths as a result of the conflictMarch 2003 to August 2007
Associated Press110,600 deathsMarch 2003 to April 2009
Iraq Body Count project
98,170 — 107,152 civilian deaths as a result of the conflict. 150,726 civilian and combatant deaths[1]March 2003 to October 2010
WikiLeaks. Classified Iraq war logs[1][2][3][4]104,924 recorded Iraqi deaths, including 92,003[5] (or 66,081[6]) civilian deaths.January 2004 to December 2009

(W I K I)

Monday, September 5, 2011

The most dangerous game (el juego mas peligroso)

Este video explica el oscuro nexo entre los experimentos de los cientificos nazis y ciertos proyectos secretos de la c.i.a. en control mental y manipulación.

Monday night at
operation control
I sat facing rows of
monitor mountains
Mind control
Life control
Operation mind control

Friday, September 2, 2011

Robert Anton Wilson sobre la evolución de la inteligencia humana

Una perspectiva muy interesante de Robert Anton Wilson, donde explica la evolución de la inteligencia como el acto histórico del ser humano de conciliar sujeto y objeto como ser indivisible en el propio acto de observarse.

SUN RA , The Berkeley Lectures, 1971



In early 1971 Sun Ra was artist-in-residence at University of California, Berkeley, teaching a course called "The Black Man In the Cosmos". Rather few students enrolled but the classes were often full of curious persons from the surrounding community. One half-hour of each class was devoted to a lecture (complete with handouts and homework assignments), the other half-hour to an Arkestra performance or Sun Ra keyboard solo. Reading lists included the works of Madame Blavatsky and Henry Dumas, the Book of the Dead, Alexander Hislop's The Two Babylons, The Book of Oahspe and assorted volumes concerning Egyptian hieroglyphs, African American folklore, and other topics.

Thomas Steitz - Laboratorios

Farmacéuticas cierran sus investigaciones sobre antibióticos porque curan a la gente

los laboratorios sólo investigan en medicamentos que sea necesario tomar durante "toda la vida"

Thursday, September 1, 2011