Friday, December 30, 2011

Financial Parasites-Bill Gates-Africa Interview

Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert present their bah-humbug special, taking a closer look at claims that the top 1% have more 'skin' in the game. They'll also question the intentions of the 'well-meaning' people who drive Kenyans off their land, and could be doing more harm than good with malaria vaccines. They also talk to independent journalist, Thomas C. Mountain, about charity in Africa and China's investments.

Bill's Vaccine RTSS-Afro-Scam

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Fruits of Elite Immunity - Chaney's torture policy

Retired U.S. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Colin Powell talks about ex Vice President
Dick Cheney's media blitz promoting his memoir, "In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir". The show was broadcasted in Aug 30th 2011. Cheney was saying that "heads will explode" upon reading it. We see a now notorious former vice president vehemently defend the policies of his administration, including the most gruesome of torture. As Col.Wilkerson recalls its cabinet as the 'Gestapo,' 'Nazi's' in Cheney's Office.


and Democracy Now

pt 1
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson

pt 2
Glenn Greenwald

"The Fruits of Elite Immunity." "Dick Cheney goes around the country profiting off of this sleazy, sensationalistic, self-serving book, basically profiting from his crimes and at the same time normalizing the idea that of these kinds of policies ... are perfectly legitimate choices to make, and I think that is really damaging legacy from all of this," says Greenwald.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Kurzweil: The Law of Accelerating Returns

An analysis of the history of technology shows that technological change is exponential, contrary to the common-sense “intuitive linear” view. So we won’t experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century — it will be more like 20,000 years of progress (at today’s rate). The “returns,” such as chip speed and cost-effectiveness, also increase exponentially. There’s even exponential growth in the rate of exponential growth. Within a few decades, machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence, leading to The Singularity — technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history. The implications include the merger of biological and nonbiological intelligence, immortal software-based humans, and ultra-high levels of intelligence that expand outward in the universe at the speed of light.

Paul Allen: The Singularity Isn't Near

The Singularity Summit approaches this weekend in New York. But the Microsoft cofounder and a colleague say the singularity itself is a long way off.

Kurzweil Responds: Don't Underestimate the Singularity

Last week, Paul Allen and a colleague challenged the prediction that computers will soon exceed human intelligence. Now Ray Kurzweil, the leading proponent of the "Singularity," offers a rebuttal.

Bradley Manning Had Secrets

Bradley Manning Had Secrets from Animate Projects on Vimeo.

Friday, December 16, 2011

DN - IRAQ SPECIAL - U.S. Withdrawal Scenario

The U.S. military may be leaving Iraq, but the U.S. government is not. The U.S. embassy in Baghdad is the largest in the world, and thousands of private contractors will fill the role of the departing U.S. troops

U.S. invasion and occupation has left a bloody toll on Iraqi civilians and foreign troops. Nearly 4,500 U.S. troops died, and another 32,000 were wounded.
An accurate toll of Iraqis killed may never be known. Iraq Body Count says at least 104,000 Iraqi civilians have died, while some studies put have put the death toll at over one million.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Iran MP says Military to practise closing strait of Hormuz to shipping


Iran army declines comment on Hormuz exercise

A member of the Iranian parliament's National Security Committee said on Monday that the military was set to practise its ability to close the Gulf to shipping at the narrow Strait of Hormuz, the most important oil transit channel in the world, but there was no official confirmation.

The legislator, Parviz Sarvari, told the student news agency ISNA: "Soon we will hold a military manoeuvre on how to close the Strait of Hormuz. If the world wants to make the region insecure, we will make the world insecure."

Contacted by Reuters, a spokesman for the Iranian military declined to comment.

Iran's energy minister told Al Jazeera television last month that Tehran could use oil as a political tool in the event of any future conflict over its nuclear programme


As a reminder from Wikipedia:

The strait at its narrowest is 54 kilometres (34 mi) wide.[1] It is the only sea passage to the open ocean for large areas of the petroleum-exporting Persian Gulf. About 13 tankers carrying 15.5 million barrels (2,460,000 m3) of crude oil pass through the strait on an average day, making it one of the world's most strategically important choke points. This represents 33% of the world's seaborne oil shipments, and 17% of all world oil shipments in 2009.[2]

A series of naval stand-offs between Iranian speedboats and U.S. warships in the Strait of Hormuz occurred in December 2007 and January 2008. U.S. officials accused Iran of harassing and provoking their naval vessels; Iranian officials denied these allegations. On January 14, 2008, U.S. naval officials appeared to contradict the Pentagon version of the Jan. 16 event, in which U.S. officials said U.S. vessels were near to firing on approaching Iranian boats. The Navy's regional commander, Vice Admiral Kevin Cosgriff, said the Iranians had "neither anti-ship missiles nor torpedoes" and that he "wouldn't characterize the posture of the US 5th Fleet as afraid of these small boats".



It's on. Iran has just closed the Straits of Hormuz for military training as was expected yesterday, according to RanSquawk. Oil, and all other commodities, are outtahere.

And entire commodity complex:

Monday, December 12, 2011

12/12 West Coast Port Blockade - OAKLAND live Stream


Überdebten, financial eugenics and secret Fed loans.
In the second half , Karl Denninger talks about MF Global, pepper spraying banksters and Occupy Wall Street.

Occupy Europe splits into "Mayor" and "Minor" Economies, This fact, admitted in the open today was aired December 1st on RT when the message was still being encoded.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Black Friday Gun Sales Break Records

Even as Joe Sixpack was maxing out that last credit card on useless gadgets (but not flat screen TVs as Corning was so nice to warn), he was making sure to have enough in store for that one final Plan Z purchase. Guns. As KNDU reports, "Gun dealers flooded the FBI with background check requests from shoppers, smashing the single day record with a 32% increase from last year." USA Today has more: "Deputy Assistant FBI Director Jerry Pender said the checks, required by federal law, surged to 129,166 during the day, far surpassing the previous high of 97,848 on Black Friday of 2008." And in reality, the number is likely far greater: "The actual number of firearms sold last Friday is likely higher because multiple firearms can be included in a transaction by a single buyer. And the FBI does not track actual gun sales."


Monday, December 5, 2011

Stallman: Facebook IS Mass Surveillance

The father of free software philosophy spoke to RT on evil developers, spying social networks, the almost-legitimacy of Anonymous hacks and the condition under which he would take a proprietary program and a million dollars.

Stallman is the man behind the concept that every computer program must be free for users to study and modify as they want. This is the only way to ensure that by using the software users do not compromise their human rights, he says.

“Free software literally gives you freedom in the area of computing. It means that you can control your computing. It means that the users individually and collectively have control over their computing. And in particular it means they can protect themselves from the malicious features that are likely to be in proprietary software,” he told RT.

“Facebook does massive surveillance. If there is a ‘like’ button in a page, Facebook knows who visited that page. And it can get IP address of the computer visiting the page even if the person is not a Facebook user. So you visit several pages that have ‘like’ button and Facebook knows that you visited all of those, even if it doesn’t really know who you are,” he said.

Kyle Bass Explains The New World Order

Unlike the broad consensus of prognosticators who feel the road for the US is a decade or more, Bass sees a three-to-five year window for a credible solution to the debt saturation or else kicking the can will cease to have any impact. The reason for the proximity is the acceleration of what happens in Europe and Japan with that respective chronology his central view - which he sees as critical in understanding for every money manager. In this extended interview at AmeriCatalyst, he points to the optimistic self-deception biases that leave people unable to comprehend the scenarios as they either lead to a really bad outcome or a nominally bad outcome...

MORE ...

During this recent lengthy discussion on the broad topic of global central bankers, optical backstops, and our coordinated cognitive dissonance, Kyle Bass, of Hayman Advisors, suggested everyone read "The Black Swan Of Cairo" penned by no less a tail-risk philosopher than Nassim Taleb (and Mark Blyth). The Foreign Affairs article from June 2011 brings into clear prose the fascinating dichotomy between the centrally planned smoothing efforts of world bankers and politicians and the inevitable (and much larger) instabilities that spring from this suppression.


Click image for video (no embed available)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Slavoj Zizek- First as Tragedy, Then as Farce (RSA Animate)

In this short RSA Animate, renowned philosopher Slavoj Zizek investigates the surprising ethical implications of charitable giving.

Slavoj Zizek on Occupy Wall Street (press cc for spanish subtitles)

Friday, December 2, 2011


Gerald Celente goes all out in this Radio Interview
(The Lew Rockwell show 11/29/11)
Just Amazing

financial apocaypse in 2012 Q 1 ?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Google's Carrier IQ app spying on users step-by-step

The software secretly installed on millions of cell-phones is spying on users, reading their text messages and monitoring every keystroke, according to a mobile applications developer, who has published evidence online.
Trevor Eckhart, 25, an Android app developer from Connecticut, has published what he says is conclusive proof that millions of smartphones are secretly monitoring keystrokes.

The video he posted on YouTube shows how a software package from a Silicon Valley company known as Carrier IQ reads private text messages and online search requests, records keystrokes and sends the information back somewhere, presumably the company.

“Every button you press in the dialer before you call,”
Eckhart says, “it already gets sent off to the IQ application.”

In his 17-minute video, Trevor shows his phone connected to a computer, explaining step-by-step his revelations.
Though the software is installed on most modern Android, BlackBerry and Nokia phones, Carrier IQ was virtually unknown until Eckhart analyzed its workings.
However, the company denies that its software is designed to spy on users. Carrier IQ earlier tried to suppress Eckhart's report.
The video was published four days after Carrier IQ called off its threats of legal action and claims of monetary damages. Earlier Trevor Eckhart raised the ire of a company by labeling the software a “rootkit”. He said that the description suited the software well because, he says, it is made the way so that it hides its presence, avoiding operating system’s typical functions.
The Electronic Freedom Foundation, an activist group which promotes free speech online, supported Eckhart, and the Carrier IQ was forced to back off on its threats.

TrevorEckhart's Channel

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

0H-What Today's Global Fed-Funded Bailout Means For The Future

If anyone is still confused by what has transpired today, here is Peter Schiff explaining in simple words, why what happened "may be one of the most important economic events of the year" and what to do next: "Today’s unprecedented announcement by the world’s most powerful central banks was a loud and clear bell ringing to buy precious metals. The move, disguised as an attempt to help the fragile state of the global economy, is in reality a move to prop up failing banks in Europe and the US. By reducing interest rates paid for dollar swaps, central bankers are in effect increasing the quantity of global dollars in circulation. The result? The dollar will weaken, inflation will rise, and gold will soar. Gold was up more than $30 today, and the dollar got crushed. I urge you to take 7 minutes to watch the video I recorded exclusively for my subscribers a few hours ago. It explains, in plain language, what happened today – and what is the likely outcome for your portfolio. This may be one of the most important economic events of the year." And pardon Schiff's self-promotional piece at the end, but the truth is that he is essentially correct about what the actions means from a big picture perspective. Furthermore, as Goldman made all too clear, this is merely the beginning as more and more inflationary actions have to be undertaken by central banks to save banks from being crushed by untenable debt loads. Whether they succeed in overturning the deflationary tsunami is unknown. What is certain is that they will bring fiat currencies to the verge of viability (and beyond) in trying.

Port workers in Egypt have refused to receive a US shipped 21-tonne tear gas cargo

US ships 21-tonne tear gas cargo to Tahrir, Egypt says no

Port workers in Egypt have refused to receive a shipment of tear gas ordered by the country’s Interior Ministry from the United States. They fear it will be used against protesters in Tahrir Square.

Employees at the Adabiya Seaport in coastal city Suez published shipping documents for delivery of a total of 21 tonnes of the crowd-dispersal agent, local mediareport.

The revelation comes as the first 7.5-tonne shipment from the American port of Wilmington arrived to Egypt. Some of the port workers refused to accept the cargo and made the deal public, provoking an official investigation into their actions.

The tear gas was produced by the Combined Systems company. The initial shipment consists of 479 barrels.

Image from Combined Systems website
Image from Combined Systems website

Egyptian police have been regularly using tear gas and other riot control equipment against the protesters who gather each day on Cairo’s Tahrir Square. Apparently the stocks have run low and had to be replenished.

The news angered many Egyptians, who asked why the interim government is buying tear gas instead of food to feed those without the money to feed themselves and jobs to earn their living.

Meanwhile the country has passed the first round of its three-stage parliamentary election. The voting was marred by violence on Tuesday night, in which some 80 protesters were injured.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

John Pilger Interview on Democracy Now July 2009

John Richard Pilger (born 9 October 1939[1]) is an Australian journalist and documentary maker, based in London. He has twice won Britain's Journalist of the Year Award, and his documentaries have received academy awards in Britain and the US.[2][3]

Since his early years as a war correspondent in Vietnam, Pilger has been a strong critic of Western foreign policy. He is particularly opposed to many aspects of United States foreign policy, which he regards as being driven by an imperialist agenda.

John Pilger on Honduras , Middle East, US Medical System, Afghanistan, Pakistan and more

Full Spectrum Dominance

Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar says that America's missile shield in Europe targets Russia - and is part of Washington's strategic plan of global dominance.

Escobar - Iran War after 2012 Election

Interview With F.W.Engdahl

American German freelance journalist, historian and economic researcher.[2] Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, Engdahl is the son of F. William Engdahl, Sr., and Ruth Aalund (b. Rishoff). Engdahl grew up in Texas, and after earning a degree in engineering and jurisprudence from Princeton University in 1966 (BA),[1] and graduate study in comparative economics at the University of Stockholm from 1969 to 1970, he worked as an economist and free-lance journalist in New York and in Europe.

Engdahl began writing about oil politics with the first oil shock in the early 1970s.

His first book was called A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order, and discusses the alleged roles of Zbigniew Brzezinski and George Ball and of the USA in the 1979 overthrow of the Shah of Iran, which was meant to manipulate oil prices and to stop Soviet expansion. Engdahl claims that Brzezinski and Ball used the Islamic Balkanization model proposed by Bernard Lewis. In 2007, he completed Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of GMO.

KEISER - UK Northern Rock Fiasco & MF Global Black Hole

Northern Rock & Richard Branson's shinny teeth
MF Global & "a heads up phone call" worth billions for Koch Bros

fraud brothers

From me to you ... A billion teeth

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Age of Transitions - Eugenics

Eugenics is the "applied science or the bio-social movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a population", usually referring to human populations.[2] The origins of the concept of eugenics began with certain interpretations of Mendelian inheritance, and the theories of August Weismann.[3] Historically, many of the practitioners of eugenics viewed eugenics as a science, not necessarily restricted to human populations; this embraced the views of Darwin and Social Darwinism.

Eugenics was widely popular in the early decades of the 20th century.[4] The First International Congress of Eugenics in 1912 was supported by many prominent persons, including: its president Leonard Darwin, the son of Charles Darwin; honorary vice-president Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty and future Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Auguste Forel, famous Swiss pathologist; Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone; among other prominent people.[5] The National Socialists' (NSDAP) approach to genetics and eugenics became focused on Eugen Fischer's concept of phenogenetics[6] and the Nazi twin study methods of Fischer and Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer....

Julian Huxley, ,brother of writer Aldous Huxley , was the first Director-General of UNESCO and a founder of the World Wildlife Fund , he was also a Eugenics Society president.

"[E]ven though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable. --Julian Huxley[165]"

“My firm conviction is that if wide-spread Eugenic reforms are not adopted during the next hundred years or so, our Western Civilization is inevitably destined to such a slow and gradual decay as that which has been experienced in the past by every great ancient civilization. The size and the importance of the United States throws on you a special responsibility in your endeavours to safeguard the future of our race. Those who are attending your Congress will be aiding in this endeavour, and though you will gain no thanks from your own generation, posterity will, I believe, learn to realize the great dept it owes to all the workers in this field.”
Leonard Darwin

Sunday, November 20, 2011

COMPRAR, TIRAR, COMPRAR - Obsolescencia programada - (ESP)

"Fabricados para no durar", es un documental emitido en la RTVE TVE2 el 11/10/2011sobre la obsolescencia programada de los productos del comercio globalizado.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

the Internet and free speech may never be the same

On 11/16, Congress holds hearings on the first American Internet censorship system.
This bill can pass. If it does the Internet and free speech will never be the same.
Join all of us on the 16th to stop this bill.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Max Keiser: China to beat IMF to Italy's gold

European gold wars

Extract from Keiser Report Episode 208

Publish Post

Max Keiser interview James G. Rickards' Currnecy Wars (Ep 208)

James G. Rickards is an American lawyer, economist and investment banker with 35 years of experience on Wall Street, working in capital markets. He is a writer and is a regular commentator on finance and the emerging field of threat finance. Rickards advised clients of an impending financial collapse, of a decline in the dollar and a sharp rise in the price of gold, all years in advance. He believes the United States needs to go back to a gold standard and was one of the first to promote this view.

More Interviews:

Lori Ann LaRocco, Interview with Jim Rickards CNBC (January 13, 2011). Retrieved May 14, 2011

Ron Hera, "Interview: Jim Rickards on Inflation and Currency Wars" Financial Sense (February 4, 2011). Retrieved May 14, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

James Goldsmith's Financial Prophecy

Sir James Goldsmith's (26 February 1933 – 18 July 1997) was an Anglo-French billionaire financier and tycoon.[1] Towards the end of his life, he became a magazine publisher and a politician. In 1994, he was elected to represent France as a Member of the European Parliament and he subsequently founded the short-lived eurosceptic Referendum Party in the United Kingdom.
His predictions from 1994 are amazingly accurate. Laura Tyson, seen arguing in the video, is now an economic advisor in the Obama Administration. Previous to that, she was a professor at UC Berkeley??? Stuff does float to the top, doesn't it? She believes more government spending will solve the current crises. So the lack of government spending is what caused this crises? How about the corrupt politicians and corporations? Can we roll back the policies of the past 2-3 decades?

Sir James Goldsmith interview on The Charlie Rose Show 11-15-1994

external links :
More Sir James Goldsmith's Videos
Posted on: Ask 'But Why?' blog

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Leah McGrath Goodman - Max Keiser 204 - Oil Speculation

Leah McGrath Goodman on the Keiser Report 204

This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at bank stocks ablaze and a Grecian vortex. They also discuss speculators responding to falling prices by smashing showrooms in Shanghai and holding Congress hostage in America. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser interviews Leah McGrath Goodman about Occupy Wall Street, the Koch Brothers and oil derivatives and the new market in water derivatives.

More Interviews:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Vatican Calls For One World Central Bank

The Vatican called on Monday for the establishment of a "global public authority" and a "central world bank" to rule over financial institutions that have become outdated and often ineffective in dealing fairly with crises.

Click for Full Article CNBC

"Deadly Monopolies": The Shocking Corporate Takeover of Life Itself—And the Consequences for Your Health and Our Medical Future.

Harriet Washington, medical ethicist and author. Her new book is called Deadly Monopolies: The Shocking Corporate Takeover of Life Itself—And the Consequences for Your Health and Our Medical Future. She is also author of Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present.

Harriet Washington, is a medical ethicist and has just published a book that examines the extent to which what she calls the medical-industrial complex has come to control human life. In the past 30 years, more than 40,000 patents have been granted on genes alone—many more patents are pending. Washington argues that the biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies patenting these genes are more concerned with profit than with the health or medical needs of patients. Her new book is called "Deadly Monopolies: The Shocking Corporate Takeover of Life Itself—And the Consequences for Your Health and Our Medical Future."

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fallujah beyond Hiroshima, New Uranium Battlefield

Seems Weapons of Mass-Destruction were finally used in Iraq

Christopher Busby ( University of Ulster ) Study confirms Iraq's studies

Fallujah Fallout

Al-Kubaisy. Stockholm 20100831

Depleted Uranium. The study "Cancer, Infant Mortality and Birth Sex-Ratio in Fallujah 2005-2009", published in July 2010 in the International Journal of Environmental Studies and Public Health (IJERPH), shows the terrifying facts about the disease and genetic defects

Iraq & Depleted Uranium. Dr. Omar Al-Kubaisy. Stockholm 20100831 from Nils Lundgren on Vimeo.

Chomsky on Fallujah's Nuclear Terror

Greg Palast : Goldman Sachs v. People’s Federal Credit Union & OWS

Greg Palast
investigative reporter with the BBC and author of the books Armed Madhouse and The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. His next book, out in November, is called Vultures’ Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates, and High-Finance Carnivores.

Greg Palast investigates the story behind Goldman Sachs’ recent decision to pull out of a fundraiser for the Lower East Side People’s Federal Credit Union in New York City after it learned the event was honoring the protesters at Occupy Wall Street. The investment bank withdrew its name from the fundraiser and also canceled a $5,000 pledge.

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